
Childhood in Vermont played an important role in my creative development. Our neighborhood was nestled against a forest along Lake Champlain. There was no money for art supplies; but I had nature for my media. I have memories of weaving vines for club houses, carving on trees and stacking rocks to form “towers” on rocky ledges, etching designs in the sand and gathering beach materials for assemblages on the lake’s shore line. None of this seemed important to me at the time and now, I know all of my experiences have played a role with art materials that I gravitate towards.

The next 40+ years were spent with the events that are typical in life – marriage, children, formal education, teaching, art therapy and grandchildren (in that order). I have retired twice and now, it is time for art and hopefully, lots of it.

For more in-depth information, please refer the resume available below.

Susan Provost-Dubois Resume 2017