Baby Sculptures

  • Baby Sculptures - Raku Clay Sculptures

Baby Sculptures

Raku Clay Sculptures
Unique , 15" x 2¾“ x 4½“

This series was inspired by a variety of strong, positive, human characteristics. The pieces are made with Raku clay, heads are layered with several coats of black slip and the bodies have two layers of clear glaze. All sculptures were taken through the Raku process. They stand 14-15 inches high and have a base of 2 ¾ “ x 4 ½ “. Their posture is one of respect.

Process: ,

Artwork Collection
Ceramic Babies (5 items)
  • Baby Wall Relief #9
  • Baby Wall Relief #8
  • Baby Wall Relief #3
  • Baby Wall Relief #2
Baby Sculptures, Copyright ©

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Baby Sculptures
Baby Sculptures

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