Ceramic and Printmaking Terms

A summary of commonly used art terms from the fields of Ceramics and Printmaking. These terms also appear through-out this website.

Ceramic Terms

The Raku Process

The technique of rapidly firing low temperature glazed bisque ware. This process originated in Japan. Raku means “Contentment”. This method is used to make bowls for tea ceremonies and other sculptural pieces.

Nara Porcelain

A clay body that is strong, vitreous, translucent, white clay body that fires at a cone 9-12.


A transparent or colored coating that seals ceramics. They are applied as a liquid, which hardens and fuses to the clay when fired in a kiln.

Printmaking Terms

Relief Printing

The original flat surface of a linoleum or wood block is the printing surface. Any parts of the design not to be printed are cut out; leaving a raised (in relief) surface, which is then inked with a roller, called a brayer. The imaged surface is then transferred to paper by direct pressure.

Intaglio Printing

This method is the opposite of relief printing. Done on metal plates, the design is incised or etched into the surface and the ink flows into the etched grooves. The pressure of the press pushes the paper into the etched grooves. The unetched surface level of the Intaglio plate represents the white in a black and white image.

Lithography Printing

The printing and non-printing areas are on the same level. The image is drawn on a metal plate or lithography stone and processed so that it “sets” into the grain of the surface. Paper is then pressed onto the inked surface to produce the image.

What is a Monotype?

A method of printing is a method of printing that involves creating a one of a kind print that is done on a flat, fresh plate. Inks and sometimes other media are applied. No identical second impression can be made.

What is a Monoprint?

A method of printing that involves creating a unique impression by applying ink to a flat surface and transferring it to paper. Monoprints always include a previously processed plate.

What is Chine collé?

A method used in printmaking that involves adhering thin pieces of rice or decorative papers to the larger printing paper at the same time that the inked image is printed.


A collection of identical prints.